Wandering Wisdom
Welcome to Wandering Wisdom with Sarah G. This is my newsletter reimagined :) Hang out with me in my car and on my many walks at local parks and forests as I chat to you about sales, copywriting, business and silly daily life things. www.sarahdesign.com
Wandering Wisdom
004: UX + Color Wonder Paints
A funny story about hard to open kid paints and how good customer experience creates loyal "true fan" customers. Go test your website and funnels asap! ;-)
Need help with your copywriting or brand messaging? Book a discovery call on www.sarahdesign.com, and follow me on Instagram @sarahdesignagency Happy Selling!
Hello, hello, welcome back. I was just thinking how it's kind of a silly trait of mine, but when I'm going around walking through life, I notice user experience things. I have a background in user experience design, and I'll just notice if something is difficult to use and wonder, did anybody test this actually try this out before releasing it to the market? And I will also notice when something is designed beautifully and works and functions amazingly, and be like, yes, somebody tried this out. This went through a user experience process, and that's why it's so great. So I never used to think that I felt, you know, passionate about certain products, until I went through this experience that I'm going to share with you. So I have three kids, and there was a day I was trying to keep my littlest one occupied. So I was just pulling arts and crafts kits out of our stockpile, right and left. And several of those kits, um, several kits included those little strips of plastic paint pots that are attached in a row in different colors, you know, the kind you probably picked them up at target before. And as I began opening them, I learned that I do feel passionate about some products, passionate hatred. I was like, what sadistic engineers design these things do? They hate parents, and because I was just sitting there trying to pry them open with their tiny tabs that have to be pushed in opposite directions, tabs that are somehow simultaneously slippery and stabby. So my fingers are all red, I'm sweating, I'm straining. I finally got them all open so she could start painting. And that lasted for, you know, a nice restful 20 minutes. Let me close them up so she could use her play doh instead. And a few minutes later, and oh, by the way, Play Doh containers also difficult to open. But a few minutes later, when the Play Doh had lost its luster, she asked for the paints again. And you can kind of picture me sitting there with a panicked look on my face, screaming internally, no, I'm never opening those again. Ever they're going straight into the trash. So instead, I suggested that we try some different paints, and I reached for the Crayola Color wonder, mess free coloring set. Have you ever used these? You could just imagine the like, you know, angelic, ethereal music playing in the background and a beam of light shining down on them as I pulled them from the cupboard. So if you've never heard of the color wonder paints, they look white in the container, but they turn into colors when applied to the special paper that they also sell. Of course, can't use these on regular paper. You got to buy their paper, but it's worth it. And this set of paints opened like butter. Oh, it was so nice. They had larger, easy to grip tab edges that you just lift up instead of trying to push another minuscule tab down. At the same time, what a difference like, what a difference I just I sat there feeling like the color wonder crew was full of geniuses who care about their customers, and it really makes an impression. It makes an impression when you have a good user experience, you feel very loyal to this company. Going forward, they aren't without flaws, right? So they're much pricier, and like I said, you can't use them with regular paper. You have to buy their paper, which is more expensive, but for the experience of easy to open paints that won't stain your clothes and change colors magically before your eyes, I would gladly, gladly pay a premium price for them, because the experience matters, and we can tie that back to the experience you give your customers as Well. Customers will make judgments about you based on the experience of buying from and working with you, and that applies to things like navigating your website, sales and landing pages. Remember to check those on your phone. Lots of people shopping from their phone, so make sure you always, always test the experience out yourself, and ask friends and family to test it too before you release your genius into the world. Like if you have a course or program, try purchasing it. Give yourself a free coupon code. Try purchasing your course or program as a customer would, from first entry point through to the purchase receipt. And document this along the way, you'd be surprised how many steps there are, and make sure it's a seamless experience, and you will get fan customers for life. And hey, if you can mix in some color changing magic while you're at, it all the better. So I hope this advice helps and that you will pop. Into your own website and test out the experiences that people are having as they're getting into your world, so that you create those lasting, good feeling responses from all your customers going forward, and they'll tell all their friends and the money can just roll in. I hope you found this useful. I will see you in the next episode. Happy selling you.