Wandering Wisdom
Welcome to Wandering Wisdom with Sarah G. This is my newsletter reimagined :) Hang out with me in my car and on my many walks at local parks and forests as I chat to you about sales, copywriting, business and silly daily life things. www.sarahdesign.com
Wandering Wisdom
002: Dreamy Clients
Do you feel anxious before client calls? Me too! Except...when they're dreamy clients that feel like BFFs (my ultimate goal is all clients feel like this). Give a listen to hear my realizations leading up to a client call - and hopefully apply this to your business too :D
Need help with your copywriting or brand messaging? Book a discovery call on www.sarahdesign.com, and follow me on Instagram @sarahdesignagency Happy Selling!
Hello, hello, I am at the park. You will likely hear all the crows in the background. You'll hear me huffing and puffing, and this is probably going to be common for this podcast. I am. I launched this a few days ago, and then was overcome by doubts and worries and perfectionism and thinking, well, I should prepare for these. I should pull up old newsletters and read them. And I might, I might pull up old newsletters and read them because I got some good ones. But also, I want to make this something fun for me, I want it to feel low, lift and energetic and natural, and like I said in the first podcast, I want it to feel like you are one of my besties getting my Daily Download On Voxer only. It's going to be in a podcast. So that's I'm trying to just, I don't know, experiment and see, see what happens. I also my screen on my phone keeps going to sleep, and I keep waking it up, and I don't know if I need to or not. So we'll see. We'll see more to come on the technical aspects of doing a podcast on the go. But I wanted to share some thoughts today about ideal clients and how it feels to work with that, how your nervous system feels when you have the right people. I have a call today with a client who is a good friend of mine. She's in we're both in a couple communities together that we pay for. We're in a mastermind together. We've been on retreats together. I have danced around behind the photographer while, they took her photo to make her laugh. I know her very well, and we scheduled a blueprint call, which my blueprint is a deep dive conversation to figure out your goals and hopes and dreams for your business, and come up with a plan for how we can work together, and I dig into your content. I ask you a ton of questions, and I'm able to articulate for you, if this is something that you're having trouble with, what your next step should be, and how I could help you get there, or if I can't help you get there, you still get the plan. In the end, you get your blueprint. So she had come to me for website copywriting, and she was a little unclear about what she wanted. I said, Hey, let's do this blueprint thing. So she bought that, and then if we work together, we'll just apply the cost to the project, so it basically becomes free. But that call is today, and yesterday, we were on a mastermind call and sharing our wins, and she said one of her wins was that she gets to work with me. She's like, I get to work with Sarah G we have a call tomorrow. It's tomorrow, right Sarah? And I was on the other end, pulling up my calendar because I can remember we had a call. And this is, like, unheard of for me, because usually I'm kind of agonizing about calls ahead of time, and I had just had a call with another client that same day yesterday, who is also in this group with me, is also a close friend. Now, I've done work with her several times before, and she's amazing to work with too. So I think I had just focused on making sure I showed up for that. I forgot about this one, and then afterwards, I messaged her, and I was like, I hope you aren't offended that I forgot how to recall. It wasn't in any way meant to diminish you, or it wasn't because I don't value our call together. It was because I feel zero stress about it, like I am not worried about getting on this conversation. I'm not secretly anxious. I don't have any weird trepidation. I'm not like scrambling to over prepare when I already have my list of questions. All have to do is go dig it out of Google Drive and I can ask them, and then the rest just happens, naturally, intuitively. But I'm like, I'm not stressed at all about seeing you, and that's why I forgot she said, Sarah, same here said I completely forgot our call was happening until I looked in my calendar. And then I got the reminder email, you know, later today, and it said that all I had to do was show up. I didn't have to prepare. That made me feel amazing, too. She said, I'm not stressed about it, either. So that just really spoke to me about how business can feel, even if you're an anxious type of person like me, who I am, a people pleaser. I have perfectionist tendencies. I don't think people pleaser is a bad word. I don't think there's anything wrong with being one, but I gotta watch myself and make sure I'm not sacrificing myself to keep others comfortable. But I also get to do business my way, and I get to choose who I work with. This is why I left corporate. I did not I didn't get to choose who I got to work with there, and now I do so. I am just I feel so fortunate. I feel proud of myself for taking this path and making this life possible for myself and creating an existence where I can get out in nature as much as I want to, and work with people that I really, really enjoy on work that's fun and fulfilling, and I can't wait to dig in to her business today. Feel like I know a lot about her already, but these conversations always turn up something fresh and new, and I find out people's stories that are really fun and like, Hey, we got to share this. Everyone's gonna love it. I come up with strategic ideas with them about different ways to list services on your site or create more clarity about your offers. And that all comes out of these conversations, and I'm just so ready for it. So I just wanted to encourage you that if you are working a bunch of clients that you can't stand and you feel stressed and horrible you can't sleep leading up to calls with them, that it doesn't have to be that way, and you can choose differently, And you can prioritize the things that bring you joy. So that's it for today. Hope you enjoyed podcast number two, I probably shouldn't say that, because I might reorder these, and I will catch you next time. Happy selling.